Before going by flight, only one thought comes to our mind and that is the expensive ticket. If you also agree with us, then you must be looking for discounts to book tickets. Or you must be looking for such a trick in which the least money can be spent. If you are also not able to book due to flight ticket, then you can book cheap tickets using these tips. You just have to do nothing, remember the tips mentioned in this article and do not miss a single trick at the time of booking.

Check fare 24 hours in advance
Check fare 24 hours in advance

Check the airfare once after 24 hours of booking the air ticket, this will let you know whether the airfare has reduced or not. If the airfare has reduced, then you can cancel your ticket and book it again. Sometimes you can cancel your ticket without paying any penalty.

Book tickets between Tuesday to Thursday

Book tickets between Tuesday to Thursday

If it is not necessary, you can book tickets on weekdays instead of weekends, i.e. between Tuesday to Thursday. It has been observed that the flight fare is less between Tuesday to Thursday. On the other hand, it is more on weekends, hence it is better to book from Tuesday to Thursday.

Check other sites too
Check other sites too

What happens is, whenever we book a flight ticket, we forget to book it in a hurry or due to laziness. If you want a better discount, then it would be better if you check 3 to 4 websites, because the ticket price varies on different websites. So, before booking, definitely check the price of all the websites.

Book air tickets 6 weeks in advance
Book air tickets 6 weeks in advance

If you have more than 6 weeks to book domestic or international flight tickets, then it is better to book the tickets in advance. If you book air tickets 6 weeks in advance, you will easily get tickets at a lower price. According to tour companies, this is a good gap to book tickets. Tickets are expensive if booked for a short time.

Airline Discount
Airline Discount

Before booking an air ticket, definitely check the airline’s website. Many times airlines run discounts and offers, which you can easily take advantage of.