There are around 7083 railway stations in India. Some of these stations are such, which have their own story. You must have read and heard about the largest and smallest railway station in India till now, but do you know which is the last station in India. The name of this station is Singhabad. It is not a big station, but it is definitely very old. This station dates back to the British times. Even today everything is the same as the British had left it.
Nothing has changed here so far. This is the last railway station in India, adjacent to the Bangladesh border, which is used for the transit of goods trains. This station is in Habibpur area of Malda district of West Bengal. You will be surprised to know that people go to Bangladesh on foot a few km away from Singhabad. After this there is no other railway station in India. It is actually a very small railway station, which does not see any hustle and bustle.
This station was deserted after independence –

Work at this station was closed for a long time. The station was deserted after the partition between India and Pakistan after independence. But then in 1978, goods trains started on this route. These vehicles used to travel from India to Bangladesh. In November 2011, the old agreement was amended and Nepal was included in it. Trains going to Nepal also started passing from here. Let us tell you that Nepal’s food exports are on a large scale from Bangladesh. The consignment of goods trains carrying them originates from Rohanpur-Singhabad transit point. Rohanpur is the first station in Bangladesh.
Gandhi and Subhash Chand Bose also passed through this route –

This station was used for train connectivity between Kolkata and Dhaka. Since this station dates back to pre-independence, this route was also used many times by Mahatma Gandhi and Subhash Chand Bose to go to Dhaka. There was a time when trains like Darjeeling Mail also used to pass through here, but now only goods trains pass through here.
Everything belongs to the British era –

You may feel a bit strange seeing this station. Because it is very old. Everything in this station is of British era. Even signal, communication and station related equipment. Cardboard tickets are still kept here, which will hardly be seen anywhere now. The telephone kept in the station here also dates back to the time of Baba Adam. Similarly, only hand gears are used for signals. There are only a few employees here.
Trains going to Bangladesh wait for the signal-

By the way, no passenger train stops at this station. So the ticket counter is closed. But only those goods trains stop here, which have to go to Bangladesh via Rohanpur. These trains stop here and wait for the signal.
Two passenger trains pass but do not stop

It is not that the people here do not want the train facility to start for them. This demand has been raised from time to time. Two trains pass through here. Maitree Express and Maitree Express-1. In the year 2008, Maitree Express was started from Kolkata to Dhaka. Which used to travel a distance of 375 km. At the same time, the second train goes from Kolkata till the opening of a city in Bangladesh. Although the people here are still waiting for the trains to start from here. People still hope that they will get a chance to board the train at some point.
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